Dr. Jörg Michel

Dr. Jörg Michel
Attorney at Law, Partner
E-Mail: info@lk-partners.com
Phone: +49 (0) 89 23 88 90 44
ContactExperience and background
Dr. Jörg Michel is a founding partner of LK Partners. He is specialized in the comprehensive advise of enterprises in connection with all matters of business law. His expertise includes distribution law (both single products, complex technology and entire industrial plants) and intellectual property, technology transfer as well as data protection and IT/telecommunication law. Dr. Michel has also many years of experience as senior legal adviser of an international, Dusseldorf based exchange traded international corporation with the two main divisons defence and mobility; before this engagement, Dr. Michel has already been working in his practice areas for an international Munich based DAX30 worldwide operating technology concern and before that at a large Canadian corporation at its branch in Zug/Switzerland. Dr. Michel is fluent in German, English and French.
Dr. Michel studied law in Würzburg and Caen. He acquired his second judicial exam in 1996. Dr. Michel also had one of the sought-after DAAD scholarships to support his doctorate thesis in German-American securities law 1999 at the New York University
- Clauses in employment agreements for employee benefits (Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, 7/1996)
- Share Option Plans: Reform developments in Germany – experience in France (Betriebs-Berater, 10/1998)
- Stock Options in Germany, Corporate Law issues with special regard to US Law (doctoral thesis, Würzburg, 3/1999)
- General Terms and Conditions or individually negotiated agreement? (Der Betrieb, 50/2000)